Thursday 7 December 2017

Becoming Jesus

We all look so much alike
We have the same hair do, same makeup, same dresses, same walk...
We talk the same way, use the same words, slangs, mannerisms....
Usually we are all trying to be the same, an image sculpted after some famous person, a greater being; someone we all think we should be like.
Is that what we were made for? Why was I made with dark skin and you came through with light skin why is hers is ligher even? Why is my nose flat and yours is pointy? Why are our hair of different colours? if not because we were made to be different?
Why then do we seek always to be like someone else and not ourselves? It is boring you know, having several copies of the same thing. Pointless even. Have you ever tried listening to the same line of a song over and over again, all day? Or maybe watch a movie a hundred times in succession? Even with your favourite movie, you get tired at some point. Why then do we try to be like someone else? why are we trying to create a boring, pointless world?
Then I sat back and thought again, maybe we aren't exactly wrong. Just maybe our aim to be alike isn't entirely wrong. Maybe its only a matter of wrong methods and a wrong approach. Maybe we set our gaze on the wrong star and haven't been able to refocus the telescope.
You see, in us is an innate desire to aspire to someone or something greater. The one who made us ensured there is a vacuum we would always seek to fill. A Void which would gnaw at us, asking for us to attain greater heights of completeness and satisfaction. As we'd always say, nature abhores a vacuum hence we find ourselves searching for this greater being, finding them, learning them and ultimately trying to be just like him/her. Its the highest form of worship, it is telling this person "you are so great 'even' I want to loose myself and become just like you" neiwaiz, gist for another day, that worship thing.
Many have found these greater beings to be singers or rap stars or footballers. Some found pastors, others found scientists and inventors, for some it a model and for others their parents; rather sad.
Having found them we begin to model our lives after them, howbeit often times subconsciously, we learn their walk and talk and how they dress, the things they love to do and spend time at. We learn their lives and gradually become them, some sort of clone or copy of them. For many of us, we aren't exact copies, slight differences still exist, the things that help us retain our identity. Some of us become so much like the greater other that we cease to exist.
At this point the struggle 'to be' often takes a wild turn cos then we find someone greater still and the process starts over with us now seeing ourselves through the lens of the new 'greater other' and so somehow always remaining in a shadow.
So after a while he began to sound like pastor Adeboye asking us all to shout halleluyah. The other fellow had a nice hair do and fancy coloured pants to help him share love to the world and so on and so forth.
Those who weren't so religious ended up with a slouch and a wardrope full of clothes to look like a rap star. The ners wore the look perfectly with loosely fitting shirts and ties that never matched but were worn all the same.
Maybe its not so bleak as I make it seem, maybe that's just how we were made.
 Didnt I say that already?
 Cos as I reflect, some verses come to mind
 We shall not all sleep but we shall be changed.....
 Be ye holy as your heavenly father is
 Be imitators of me as I imitate Christ

Indeed God hopes for us to be just like Him; in walk, in talk, in deed, in .....hence he sent his son to be an example unto us. He was so pleased to hear people being called Christians (little Christs) because they acted just as Jesus would have. He hopes that through the course of each day we would learn a little more of him, practice that much and so become a little more like him.
He also says that when he comes we shall be just like him, and at that time when we all look at him it would be as though we were looking into a mirror cos we would look just him. We would sound like him....let's just say we would be him😁
So you see, he really wants us to all be the same. Clones of him indeed. The only problem so far is that we have chosen the wrong coding strand to clone ourselves after.
I suck at conclusions so I'll end just here
#becoming Jesus

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